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  1. Pseudo Language and the Chinese Room Experiment: Ability to Communicate using a Specific Language without Understanding it.Abolfazl Sabramiz - manuscript
    The ability to communicate in a specific language like Chinese typically indicates that the speaker understands the language. A counterexample to this belief is John Searle’s Chinese room experiment. It has been shown in this experiment that in certain circumstances we can communicate with a Chinese speaker without intuitively acknowledging that the Chinese language is understood in the conversation. In the present paper, we aim to present another counterexample showing that, in certain circumstances, we can communicate using a specific language (...)
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  2. Phonological Ambiguity Detection Outside of Consciousness and Its Defensive Avoidance.Ariane Bazan, Ramesh Kushwaha, E. Samuel Winer, J. Michael Snodgrass, Linda A. W. Brakel & Howard Shevrin - 2019 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 13.
    Freud proposes that in unconscious processing, logical connections are also (heavily) based upon phonological similarities. Repressed concerns, for example, would also be expressed by way of phonologic ambiguity. In order to investigate a possible unconscious influence of phonological similarity, 31 participants were submitted to a tachistoscopic subliminal priming experiment, with prime and target presented at 1ms. In the experimental condition, the prime and one of the 2 targets were phonological reversed forms of each other, though graphemically dissimilar (e.g., “nice” and (...)
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  3. The Publicity of Meaning and the Perceptual Approach to Speech Comprehension.Berit Brogaard - 2017 - ProtoSociology 34:144-162.
    The paper presents a number of empirical arguments for the perceptual view of speech comprehension. It then argues that a particular version of phenomenal dogmatism can confer immediate justification upon belief. In combination, these two views can bypass Davidsonian skepticism toward knowledge of meanings. The perceptual view alone, however, can bypass a variation on the Davidsonian argument. One reason Davidson thought meanings were not truly graspable was that he believed meanings were private (unlike behavior). But if the perceptual view of (...)
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  4. «Азъ, Іерей...»: «руская» мова метрычных кніг уніяцкіх цэркваў Вялікага Княства Літоўскага ў XVII–XVIII стагоддзях.Dzianis Liseichykau - 2016 - Kyivan Academy 13:109-172.
    The article deals with the use of the Ruthenian language in papers of the Uniate Church of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the 17–18th centuries. The research is based on the analysis of the content of hundreds of original parish registers of Uniate churches that are kept in the National Historical Archives of Belarus. The methods of analysis that permit to define the time and reasons for translation of concrete parish works into the Polish language have been devised by (...)
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  5. Три мови, одне воєводство: письменність подільської шляхти у середині XVI століття.Vitaliy Mykhaylovskiy - 2016 - Kyivan Academy 13:62-87.
    У пропонованій статті зроблено аналіз власноручних розписок шляхти Подільського воєводства у поборовому реєстрі з 1563 року і з’ясовано, який був рівень письменності та якими мовами користувалися шляхтичі у середині XVI століття. У XVI столітті шляхта поступово почала відходити від традиційного способу життя — військової служби. Набуття нових навичок, серед яких і вміння писати, сприяло новим напрямкам кар’єри — посіданню різноманітних урядів. Розвиток судочинства та потреба заможній шляхті вести облік своїх маєтків, створили попит на осіб, що вміють писати. Законодавча вимога особисто (...)
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